Healthy Monday: Drink to Your Health

Decreased energy, headaches, and dizziness are all early symptoms of dehydration. Drinking an adequate amount of water can help you lose weight, improve the appearance of your skin, re-energize you, reduce the risk of serious health problems, and keep you performing at your best!
This week, make an effort to increase your water intake. Stop at every water fountain you encounter for a drink, always try to have a bottle of water in sight, enjoy a tall glass with every meal and avoid caffeine and alcohol. To jazz things up, you can always add a squeeze of fresh lemon or a splash of fruit juice.

Healthy Monday: Focus on Fruit

Fruits are not only delicious, but also an essential component of a healthy diet! They are full of cancer-fighting antioxidants and have enough fiber to help you stay full on less. Fresh fruit is best, but frozen and canned (without sugar) also has it’s benefits. Dried fruit is nutritious as well but less filling, so be mindful of serving size!
Make fruit part of your routine this week. Add a daily dose at breakfast, as a mid-day snack, or for dessert. If you are already consistently enjoy fruit each day add one more piece to the mix! Not only will you be getting more nutrients, you’ll likely have less room for processed snacks.

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Healthy Monday: Vary Your Vitamins

It can be tempting to focus on just one variable when deciding if a food is healthy, but even calories don’t tell all. It’s important to also choose nutrient-dense foods: a high fiber, vitamin rich meal will keep you fuller, longer and help you eat less overall. Nutrition labels list how much of each nutrient is in a serving.
Use nutritional labels this week and see if you’re getting the most bang for your bite! Try replacing some of your empty calories with nutrient-dense foods.

Healthy Monday: Don’t Let Diet Beat Us

Physical inactivity, obesity and high blood pressure are all risk factors that can lead to type-2 diabetes. November is American Diabetes Month, so reduce your risk by eating less, moving more and focusing on a healthy diet of whole, unprocessed foods.

For more information on staying healthy, click here to visit The Monday Campaigns.

Healthy Monday: Eat More Whole Grains

September is Whole Grains Month! Get in three servings a day by trying products that list “whole grain”, “whole wheat” or “whole oats” as their first ingredient. Whole grains are a simple swap that will boost your intake of iron and fiber.

Click here to get more information on the Healthy Campaigns.